Shipping General
All orders from Koinshop are shipped from Korea.
Every order is normally shipped out within 72 hours from the time of receiving the order.
If a shipping delay occurs, we inform customers of the issue within 72 hours.
Order Tracking
After order is shipped, we email tracking numbers to customers.
The email contains both order details and shipment tracking numbers.
Order Value Limit
Due to regulatory customs issues, which can cause extensive delays, Koinshop limits order to $300 or less (excluding cost of shipping).
Customers who wish to purchase more than $300, we recommend you place two separate orders to avoid customs issues.
Partial Orders
If one or more products is out-of-stock in order, we will ask customer if she or he wants to cancel 1)all orders or 2)the out-of-stock product only and deliver the rest as scheduled.
If customer do not answer within 3 days, Koinshop will cancel the out-of-stock product only and ship the rest as scheduled.
Delivery Failure
1. The refund process will NOT be proceeded until Koinshop is informed any official results from the couriers.
2. The customer MUST provide us the proof of evidence such as pictures for any issues occurred
Unclaimed Return
If order is returned to Koinshop because it was unclaimed, the customer is responsible for the shipping costs.
Koinshop is not responsible for unclaimed orders.
Customs Tax
Customers are fully responsible for any of customs related issues, such as Customs Taxes, Import Taxes, Value added Taxes, and so on. Customers are required to pay charges such as customs fee, service fee, administration fee, warehousing fee whatsoever related with customs.
Customs issues vary by countries, so customers need to contact local customs office for detailed information to avoid potential problem
Hazardous Goods
Each country has different policy on Hazardous product issues. KOINSHOP is not responsible for informing of these information, so customers need to contact local customs information office to check out if the product you buy is hazardous or not.
Customs Refusal
We are not responsible for packages refused by customs, despite of any reason including denial to pay tax, banned importing items, and any other customs related issues. When refused package returns to KOINSHOP, we are not responsible to ship it out again. But we inform our customers of receiving notice of the package and if customers pay shipping cost again, KOINSHOP will ship it out. No refund, no replacement will be incurred by KOINSHOP with any of customs related issues.