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ROMAND Better Than Cheek Fig Chip C03 4g

$ 12.63

Featuring pastel colors inspired by dried fruits, this blush series helps to create a “my cheeks but better” look with natural hues and silky finishes.

Formulated with sweat and sebum-absorbing powder for a long-lasting, refreshing finish.

SKU: 79628 Categories: , , , Brand:


(776 Reviews)

ROMAND Better Than Cheek Fig Chip C03 4g


Softly scorched and mellowed

Rom&nd’s signature, tone-down muted color

was created by mixing a drop of neutral nude.

A clear coloring that gently fills both cheeks

Color Feature

Nutty Nude N01: Beige nude as soft as a peeled nut

Vine Nude N02: Spoonful of beige on grapes, grape nude

Odi Milk W01: Milk filled fully with frozen mulberry, mulberry cream

Strawberry Milk W02: Baby pink with fresh strawberry filled with milk

Apricot Milk W03: Soft apricots dipped in creamy milk

Peach Chip C01: Peach Coral with the freshness of peaches

Blueberry Chip C02: A pale muted pink like well-dried blueberries

Fig Chip C03: Just like ripe fig fruit, fig brick

Pear Chip C04: A drop of vitality on parched pear skins, beige brown

How to use

01. Dispense a moderate amount with a brush.

02. Lightly tap off any excess powder.

03. Gently swipe focusing on the most prominent part of your cheeks.

* You can turn on subtitles by clicking the CC icon at the bottom of a YouTube video and the introduction of the product starts at 08:38

ROMAND Better Than Cheek

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